Kumpulan Ucapan Ramadhan 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Link Twibbon, Cocok untuk Status di Media Sosial

- 20 Maret 2023, 20:56 WIB
Berikut tersedia ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan link twibbon Ramadhan 2023, cocok untuk status media sosial.*
Berikut tersedia ucapan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan link twibbon Ramadhan 2023, cocok untuk status media sosial.* /Pixabay/Mohammad Sheyriyar Shah /

• May Allah SWT guide you and your family all the time as you celebrate Ramadhan. Happy Ramadhan Mubarak 2023.

• Ramadhan Mubarak. I hope Allah guides you and your family during this holy month and protects you from all the bad things.


• Ramadhan Mubarak 2023. I hope we all will be healthy throughout the month of Ramadhan. May Allah bless us.

• Sending wishes of a joyous and prosperous Ramadhan to you and your family.

Baca Juga: Kapan Sidang Isbat 2023? Simak Informasi Selengkapnya di Sini

• This holy month, we are reminded that the Quran says, "Allah is with those who restrain themselves."

• During Ramadhan, we remember the Quran's words: "Those who turn to God, and those who serve, who praise, who fast, who bow down, who prostrate themselves, who enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil, and keep to the bounds of God & hell; wherefore bear these good tidings to the faithful."


Editor: Tyas Siti Gantina


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