10 Ucapan Ramadhan 2023 untuk Teman, Atasan, dan Keluarga, Jaga Tali Silaturahmi

- 20 Maret 2023, 21:04 WIB
Berikut tersedia sepuluh ucapan Ramadhan 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk teman, atasan, dan keluarga.*
Berikut tersedia sepuluh ucapan Ramadhan 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk teman, atasan, dan keluarga.* /Pexels/ Pnw Production.


4. Let’s celebrate as the month of Ramadan begins here. Filling our life happiness and mirth, as Allah bless as once again with prosperity and cheer. Happy Ramadan 2023!

5. Let the divinity of this holy month erase all the sinful thoughts off your mind and fill it with a sense of purity and gratitude towards Allah! Ramadan Mubarak to you!

Baca Juga: Syarat, Rute Tujuan, dan Cara Daftar Mudik Gratis 2023 dan Arus Balik Dishub DKI Jakarta

6. Wishing you a blessed and Happy Ramadan 2023!

7. Ramadan Mubarak. I wish you a blessed and prosperous Ramadan.


8. You’re not only my best friend but also one of the purest souls on the earth. I hope this Ramadan brings all the best blessings for you.

9. I cannot wait to pray my Salah and do my fasting in this Ramadan with my best pal. Ramadan Mubarak 2022 and best wishes for you.


Editor: Tyas Siti Gantina


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