8 Ucapan Romantis Hari Valentine 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Ungkapan Manis tuk Pacar di Hari Kasih Sayang

14 Februari 2023, 06:29 WIB
Rangkuman ucapan romantis Hari Valentine 2023. /Nur Annisa/PR Depok

PR DEPOK - Hari Valentine 2023 jatuh pada hari ini Selasa, 14 Februari 2023 dan dirayakan oleh sebagian pasangan baik di Indonesia, mau pun di dunia.

Merayakan momen Hari Valentine 2023 ini tak lengkap rasanya jika tak saling mengirimkan ucapan romantis untuk menunjukan kasih sayang.

Ada beberapa rekomendasi ucapan romantis dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk merayakan Hari Valentine 2023. Apa saja?

Baca Juga: Horoskop Aquarius Selasa, 14 Februari 2023: Waktu yang Pas untuk Membuat Gerakan Romantis

Berikut ini PikiranRakyat-Depok.com telah merangkum 8 ucapan romantis untuk merayakan Hari Valentine 2023 pada hari ini 14 Februari 2023.

1. Happy Valentine Day. I have no words to describe what I feel today. I'm just being grateful cause you walked into my live and always make me feel how special i am to have you. Thanks for bringing so much happiness full of love into my life.

2. Happy Valentine! I Love you still and always will. I love you yesterday, now, and forever. 

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3. Happy Valentine Day! Thank you for make me always feel that i'm in love everyday. Thank you for always be my valentine not just for a day, but everyday. I love you.

4. It's valentine! Love me everyday and i will love you back. I wish your day full of love and warmth. 

5. Happy valentine to the person i love in this world. Wishing the sweetest and happiest day come to you everyday. I'm glad cause you're mine.

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6. Happy Valentine Day! Let's spread the love and make everyone feel special today.

7.  I just want to tell you that I love the most and I will continue to love you, I will always stand by you, I will always be there for you. Happy Valentine Day my love.

8. There is nothing in this world which brings me as much happiness as your love does. Thank you for everything and coming into my live, showering me with so much love. Happy Valentine, my everyday Valentine!

Demikian ucapan romantis Hari Valentine 2023 yang bisa dikirimkan ke pacar untuk merayakan Hari Kasih Sayang.***

Editor: Nur Annisa


