Kumpulan Ucapan Selamat Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Dibagikan ke FB, WA dan Instagram

9 Juli 2022, 20:59 WIB
Ilustrasi - Kumpulan kata-kata ucapan Selamat Idul Adha. /Twibbonize.com

PR DEPOK - Kumpulan ucapan Selamat Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut bisa Anda bagikan ke akun Facebook, WhatsApp hingga Instagram.

Umat Islam akan merayakan Idul Adha pada hari Minggu, 10 Juli 2022.

Anda bisa berbagi ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris lewat Facebook, Instagram hingga WhatsApp.

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Sebagaimana dikutip Pikiranrakyat-Depok.com dari Times of India, kumpulan ucapan Selamat Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris ini cocok dibagikan ke media sosial Anda.

Berikut ucapan Selamat Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris;

1. Whoever wants to meet his Lord, he ought to do great deeds and not relate anybody in the love of his Lord.

2. May your faith and love for Allah be rewarded with peace, happiness, and successes for today and always. Wishing you a joyful Eid ul Adha!

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3. May this pious occasion bring into your life positivity, hope and happiness. Praying for your good health and well-being. Bakrid Mubarak to you.

4. It is a day of blessing and peace. Best wishes to you on Eid-ul-Adha. May your happiness multiply and your sorrows reduce.

5. On this special day, I would like to pray for your happiness, prosperity and joy. Have a great day.

6. Have a joyous and fun-filled Eid with your family. I wish Allah always guides you. Wishing a very Happy Eid Mubarak.

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7. Allah will guide you to achieve the dreams that you have always aspired to. Have faith in him. Happy Eid-ul-Adha.

8. The biggest teaching of Eid ul Adha 2022 is the eradication of selfishness from the individuals. May your life be decorated with the teachings of Eid ul Adha today and always!

9. This is the day of sacrifices and expressing the love for Allah. May Allah bless you with the best always.

May the teachings of Allah and his prophet be your companion throughout your life. May this Eid ul Adha bring peace, prosperity, and happiness to you and your family!

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10. May you be blessed in all circles of life. My best wishes to you and your loving family! Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak.

11. Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak. My heartiest regards go to you and your family! May Allah never leave your side.

12. Your prayers and sacrifices will never go unanswered. On this Eid-Ul-Adha, embrace Allah’s divine blessings with all that you have!

13. No shadows to depress you, Only joys to surround you, God himself to bless you, these are my wishes for you, Today, tomorrow, and every day. Eid al-Adha Mubarak.

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14. Happy Eid-ul-Adha. Hope you have a great day with your loved ones beside you and smile on your face.

15. Sending you and your family my best wishes on the auspicious occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, praying for everyone's good health and well-being. Eid Mubarak!

16. Know that Allah is always with you to help you at every step. May Allah fulfil all your prayers and bless you with his kindness. Eid Mubarak!

17. Happy Eid Ul Adha! May your heart lighten up with the observance of this holy day!

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18. May the eternal peace from heaven embrace your life on this Eid Ul Adha and fill it with uncountable blessings. Eid Mubarak!

19. All the very best wishes to you and your family, May Allah grant you a harmonious and prosperous life! A very warm Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak.

Anda juga bisa bagikan ucapan Selamat Idul Adha 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris ke kerabat atau rekan, selain dibagikan ke media sosial.***

Editor: Nur Annisa

Sumber: Times of India


